The prehistory of the turkic-speaking peoples
The prehistory of the turkic-speaking peoples
Slavic and Turkish languages have been studied separately for many years. This book offers scientific and theoretical hypotheses on the roots of the two cultures, which historically were in close contact with each other, as well as on the interrelated development of the Slavic and Turkic ethnic groups.
This work also contains valuable information and perspectives on the development of grammatical rules shared by the languages, on the active exchange of lexical materials, morphological patterns
and other linguistic features at the initial stages of the languages'
The author highlights the relevance and importance of a joint approach by Slavonic Linguists and Turkologists. It is hoped that this research will give a stimulus for further development not only
to the fi eld of General Linguistics, but also to the broader field of Social Sciences.
İngilis dilində
ISBN: 9789952510720
368 səhifə
Yumşaq üz qabığı
Ölçü: 148X210 mm